Blogging Fusion Blog Directory Woman of the North: February 2013

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Book Lover's Words

1. Abibliophobia- Fear of being without books. 2. Bibliographe - A person who writes about books. 3. Bibliobibuli - Someone who reads to much. 4. Bibliotapbe - A person who hides books. 5. Biblioclasts - People who rip the pages from books. 6. Biblioriptos - Someone who throws books. 7. Bibliognoste - A person learned in the minute details of a book's publication like colophons, editions, dates, and places printed and who printed it. 8. Bibliomane - An indiscriminate accumulator of books. 9. Bibliolestes - A book thief 10. Bibliophtbor - A book ravager or destroyer. 11. Bibliopbage - Someone who eats books. 12. Bibliophobia - Fear of books. 13. Graphophobia - Fear of writing or handwriting. 14. Logophobia - Fear of words. 15. Metrophobia - Fear of poetry. 16. Paprophobia - Fear of paper. 17. Scriptophobia - Fear of writing in public. 18. Sesquipedalophobia - Fear of long words. 19. Verbophobia - Fear of words.