Blogging Fusion Blog Directory Woman of the North: Confessions of a Heiress

Friday, January 1, 2010

Confessions of a Heiress

1. God has made me heir.

2. I am a real, live heir of God and co-heir of Jesus Christ.

3. Because I am a woman, technically I am an heiress.

4. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places: indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

5. As an heiress of God my life is never left to chance.

6. As a member of the NT priesthood of believers and as a an heiress of God, He is my portion and I am His.

7. I am inheriting a kingdom.

8. My inheritance can never perish, spoil, or fade. It is being kept in Heaven for me.

This is a list of the eight confessions of an heiress of God. Taken from the Beth moore biblestudy: The Inheritance. It is nine week biblestudy.

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